What Results Do you Get From the Clear Skin Process?

  • You will begin to see the inflammation go down, the redness and swelling.

  • You will start to get less pimples.

  • Your pimples will get smaller.

  • The post inflammatory hyperpigmentation will start to fade.

  • You will have the knowledge to identify the source of your acne and clear it step-by-step.


Cathy Grisham


I’m Cathy Grisham, so thankful you stopped by. I struggled with acne for many years, I’ve been in your shoes, I understand firsthand how frustrating this skin disorder can be. It affected my self-esteem, feeling constantly down about my appearance. Those years stuck with me and gave me the passion and commitment to help acne sufferers. As a wellness coach, and an acne skin care specialist for over ten years I have learned from my experience, strategies and tactics on how to clear the root causes of acne, once and for all.

Beta Pricing

Limited time early bird special!

Course Curriculum

    1. Introduction video

    2. Here is what we will cover (1)He

    3. Introduction to me and my program

    4. Why I called this course, Clear skin is really possible

    5. My promise to you and how acne is like a puzzle

    6. Client results

    7. Results you will begin to see.

    8. Its not an overnight process

    1. What exactly is happening in my pore.

    2. Keep in mind

    3. Things to keep in mind throughout the clearing process.

    4. What causes all of this to happen? Remember knowledge is power, to help you understand.

    1. Negative lifestyle factors 1 (2)

    2. More lifestyle factors that can trigger acne

    3. Stress and acne

    4. Acne is like a puzzle

    1. Clearing your skin by addressing diet

    2. Begin with the end in mind.

    3. What your body will experience.

    4. Carbohydrates

    5. Dairy

    6. Not all fats are the same

    7. What foods to avoid

    8. Foods that are healthy choices for your acne to clear

    9. Gut health and acne

    10. Supplements

    11. Your almost there, positive result you will begin to see

    1. The severity of acne (1)

    2. What kind of acne are you struggling with?

    3. Now that you know the type of acne you have

    4. Do you have mild or moderate inflamed acne?

    5. Do you have combination acne?

    6. Do you have sever Inflamed acne?

    7. Do you have Non-inflamed acne


    9. DISCLAMER #2

    10. List of things to remember

    11. Congratulations

    12. FEEDBACK REQUEST FROM CLIENTS - click first question to begin. Thank you!

About this course

  • $299.00
  • This class is a result of my proven strategies over the last ten plus years working with my client to achieve clear skin.

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